=== Yandex.News Feed by Teplitsa === Contributors: foralien, denis.cherniatev, ahaenor, teplosup Tags: yandex,Турбо,Яндекс,новости,news,Турбо-страницы,xml,rss,seo,turbo,turbo pages Requires at least: 3.9 Tested up to: 5.7 Stable tag: trunk License: GPLv2 or later License URI: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.txt Yandex.News Feed by Teplitsa - allows you to convert your site materials into Yandex News format with turbo pages support. The goal of the plugin is to simplify the integration of any WordPress-powered website with Yandex.News. * The installation process is smooth and requires minimum settings. * Feed compatible with Yandex.News format is available immediately after installation. The plugin is developed and maintained by [Teplitsa of social technologies](http://te-st.ru/). **Features** * Compatibility with Yandex.News [guidelines](http://help.yandex.ru/news/info-for-mass-media.xml). * Yandex turbo-pages support. * Custom post types support in feed. * Filtering by category or custom taxonomy term. * Individual settings for posts in feed. * If the feed generation process overloads your DB server, you can enable cache. Just set cache lifetime value. After installing the plugin settings are available under menu _Settings -> Yandex.Novosti_. Feed is accessible at the link _domain.ru/yandex/news/_. A custom URL could be specify through Settings page in case of active "pretty permalinks". The plugin has the minimum of settings. Read more about it's usage at the developers' website: * [detailed guide](https://te-st.ru/2014/12/02/wordpress-and-yandex-news/) about plugin usage; * [screencast](https://te-st.ru/2014/04/08/screencast-yandex-news-plugin/) about plugin usage; **Help us** We will be very grateful for your help us to make the plugin better. You can do it in the following ways: * Report bugs or suggest improvements at [GitHub](https://github.com/Teplitsa/tst-yandex-feed). * Send us a Pull Request with your fixes or improvements. * Translate the plugin or optimize it for your country. If you have questions about the plugin, then ask for support through [GitHub](https://github.com/Teplitsa/tst-yandex-feed). == Installation == Installation process is typical for WordPress. You can also use GIT: https://github.com/Teplitsa/tst-yandex-feed.git or download as ZIP: https://github.com/Teplitsa/tst-yandex-feed/archive/master.zip == Screenshots == 1. Feed sample 2. Settings page sample == Changelog == = 1.12.0 = * Update: PDA link deleted from feed. * New: Added shortcodes to place custom button, share widget, contact widget, feedback form etc. in post content. * New: Added integration with Yandex.Turbo API. Post will be updated in Yandex right after saving if you provide API Auth Token. = 1.11.0 = * Update: Turbo=False option added for excluded turbo-pages when turbo-feed is on, and for all turbo-pages when turbo-feed is off. * Update: If "Include post thumbnails into feed" is off, then a post thumbnail will be removed from turbo-page header. * Update: Turbo pages feed pagination added. * Update: Separate turbo pages feed added. = 1.10.8 = * Update: Compatibility with PHP5.3 restored. * Update: Caching optimized. = 1.10.7 = * Update: Default min feed items limit removed. Now less than 300 records allowed. * Update: Figure video tags support added. * Update: Caching improved. = 1.10.6 = * Update: Escape special chars in item description improved. = 1.10.5 = * Update: Embed shortcode support added. = 1.10.4 = * Update: Compatibility with WP Multilang plugin added. = 1.10.3 = * Update: Some Turbo settings moved to Yandex.Webmaster. * Update: Turbo-pages limit settings updated. = 1.10.2 = * Update: New tags allowed. * Update: Yandex Plugin ID added. = 1.10.1 = * Fix: Timezone negative UTC offset bug fixed. * Update: Authors list extended. = 1.10.0 = * New: Yandex Ad Network blocks support added. * New: Analytics support added. * Update: mp4 video support added. * Fix: Protocol issue in enclosure resolved. * Fix: "More" tag removed from short description. = 1.9.1 = * New: Option to set max age of the feed posts added. * Update: Yandex turbo-content header composition even for posts without thumbnails. * Update: Links to useful articles fixed. = 1.9 = * Update: Yandex turbo-pages support added. = 1.8.13 = * Update: Readme updated. = 1.8.12 = * Update: External URLs removed from enclosures list. = 1.8.11 = * Fix: Feed limit fixed. = 1.8.10 = * New: Terms slug support added in tax filter. * New: Terms slug support added in tax exclude filter. * New: Clear cache occurs when save empty cache lifetime. = 1.8.9 = * New: Feed cache added. Generated feed cache is stored in WP options table. Try to turn it on if feed generation overloads you DB server. * New: Cache lifetime option added. = 1.8.8 = * New: Exclude terms feature added from h8every1 pull request: https://github.com/Teplitsa/tst-yandex-feed/pull/11 * Fix: Text domain changed = 1.8.7 = * Fix: Feed optimized = 1.8.6 = * New: Remove unused shortcodes option added * New: Remove pdalink tag option added * New: Remove teaser from yandex:full-text option added * New: Feed length optional limit added * Fix: Feed Content-type fixed for WordPress 4.5 = 1.8.5 = * New: thumbnails in feed replaced to original images * New: Option to include or exclude featured image from feed added * Fix: youtube links parsing improved * Fix: duplicated enclosures removed = = * Fix: media:group structure optimized = = * Fix: Size of youtube video thumbnails changed = 1.8.4 = * New: Youtube video thumbnails added * Fix: media:group structure optimized = 1.8.3 = * Fix: Minor fixes and updates for feed content = 1.8.2 = * Fix: Minor fixes and updated for admin settings = 1.8.1 = * Fix: Incorrect custom URL behaviour on existing installs = 1.8 = * New: Support for YouTube video embedded in the post content * News: Custom URL for the feed (with pretty permalinks active) * Fix: Image caption text stripped out from the translation context = 1.7 = * New: Added support for new Yandex square logo format update = 1.6 = * Fix: Minor fixes in plugin dashboard area = 1.5 = * New: Own options page for plugin settings * New: Posts in feed could be filtering by category or custom taxonomy term * New: Posts could be excluded from feed with individual setting = 1.4 = * Fix: Incorrect formatting filtering applyed for the full feed content = 1.3 = * Fix: Inline styles appear in feed content = 1.2 = * Fix: Category field should contains only one category label * Fix: Some shortcodes appeared incorrectly in the feed content = 1.1 = * Fix: Some invalid characters appear in feed * Fix: Security fix * Fix: Translation files not loading * Fix: Incorrect content behaviour due to conflicts with some themes = 1.0 = * First official release!